Mattersoft Ltd

Mattersoft Ltd.Making Smart Moves Easier than Ever

We help public transport authorities and operators plan, manage and monitor public transport through cloud-based IT solutions. With us, every day becomes a day of well-informed decisions, a greener environment, and smiling passengers.

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Seamless online services for authorities and operators striving to be the top choice for citizens’ transportation needs.

Mattersoft’s product family is a centralized, web-based SaaS solution consisting of four products: LIVEavl, LIVErtpi, LIVEtsp and LIVEtdm. The system is specialized in creating the operational picture, supporting decision-making, ensuring the punctuality of vehicles and enabling communication between different parties.

Seamless online services


Automatic Vehicle Location

Timely picture of your network, informed decision-making

Gain a comprehensive, up-to-the-second view of your network’s performance, empowering well-informed decisions with a powerful blend of dynamic reports and real-time data.


Real-Time Passenger Information

Increased passenger satisfaction, ensuring higher service quality

Enhance passenger satisfaction and elevate service quality by reducing waiting times and keeping passengers informed throughout their journey.


Transit Signal Priorities

Increased punctuality, savings, reduced emissions

Enhance the passenger experience by helping transit vehicles be on time. Reduce driving times, fuel consumption, emissions, and noise pollution through fewer decelerations and accelerations.


Transit Data Management

Efficient resource usage, enabling success

Maximize resource efficiency and drive success by planning optimal routes, stops, and timetables. Create accurate and realistic schedules for all routes and seasons of the year to ensure operational excellence.

For well-informed decisions. For greener environment.
For smiling passengers!


Mattersoft’s intelligent solutions streamline transportation management, reducing fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and unnecessary operational expenses. With real-time insights and optimized routes, you’ll save time and resources while maintaining exceptional service quality.

Less emissions

By reducing idle times, optimizing routes, and minimizing vehicle stops, Mattersoft solutions contribute to a greener, cleaner environment. Fewer emissions and less noise pollution make our cities more sustainable, benefiting both the planet and its inhabitants.

Superior passenger experiences

Keep your passengers happy with real-time information that ensures smooth journeys. Mattersoft’s solutions reduce waiting times, improve punctuality, and keep passengers informed, leading to a better overall transit experience.

What makes LIVE superior


The latest technology and our drive for continuous development provides you with an accurate picture of your network performance with real-time data true to the second. Regular updates with just minimal service interruptions to passengers or personnel guarantee that you always have the most relevant tools available to manage your transportation network smoothly.


Our commitment to an easy-to-use design principle ensures that your agency’s transit data is understandable to all individuals across your organization. We prioritize ease also in collaboration from implementation to problem-solving. With our experienced support team, working with us is effortless, due to our extensive experience in public transit IT.


To help you turn the complex transit management process into the basis of efficient operation as soon as possible, we can have our system up and running in weeks, sometimes even days. We also aim addressing customer inquiries and issues promptly, and our customers have consistently praised us for providing exceptionally fast customer support.


Mattersoft’s API’s and open data standards enable seamless integration with first-class technology providers, encompassing passenger-facing applications, vehicle hardware and internal tools. The tools can also be used to produce open data in GTFS-RT, SIRI or other formats for external systems and applications. With us, GTFS-RT is always part of the standard delivery.

Core Features to Transform Your Transit Operations


Our solutions are services that can be implemented and updated quickly and with minor investments, enabling you to focus on your core activities while enjoying powerful software.


By being entirely web-based, our solutions enable faster, simpler and more cost-efficient implementations than traditional on-premise alternatives.


By leveraging real-time data accurate down to the second, our solutions give you a timely picture of the performance of your network as well as an oppor-tunity to react to deviations as they happen.


Our solutions are flexible, modular systems that make it easy to customize the structure based on your needs. Adding modules is simple, and new features can be developed upon the requirements of your organization.


Mattersoft’s interfaces enable seamless integration with the complete transit ecosystem, encompassing passenger-facing applications, vehicle hardware and internal tools. The tools can also be used to produce open data in GTFS-RT, SIRI or other formats for external systems and applications.


Our solutions’ scalability benefits our customers from small cities to metropolitan areas. Thus, they support your organization to effortlessly monitor and manage transit operations and accommodate growing demands – without compromising performance or incurring significant costs.